

Here are 21 benefits you can access with filtered water:

  1. Eliminate Tap Water Odour

Do you ever turn on the kitchen tap in a bid to rehydrate yourself only to baulk at the odour emanating from the water? Tap water is treated with a range of chemicals and is exposed to heavy metals which give it that unpalatable smell and taste that make it almost unbearable.

The potency of this odour can vary depending on the water quality in your area but one of the best benefits of filtered water is that you can make this odour thing of the past and give yourself clean drinking water.

  1. Remove Chlorine

Chlorine is the most common cleansing chemical used to treat water supplies. While chlorine is vital to remove dangerous bacteria and diseases from the water, the tiny proportion that remains can contribute to that tap water odour we’ve already discussed.

The US Council of Environmental Quality once found that cancer risk was 93% higher among those who were exposed to chlorinated drinking water.

The World Health Organisation also found an increased risk of bladder cancer among populations drinking chlorinated water versus those not exposed to chlorinated water over half of their lifetimes.

  1. Save Money on Bottled Water

Drinking bottled water has become popular culture in the recent decade. The explosion of the fitness industry has coincided and aided the growth of people consuming a lot more bottled water. While this is positive from a public health perspective because people are increasingly opting for water over fizzy soft drinks, it is still needlessly expensive.

Bottled water can be up to 30x more expensive than water from a filter. Whether you’re buying it by the crate or religiously buying a bottle per day, you are massively overspending compared to the price per litre you receive from a water filter. This financial benefit of filtered water not only saves you money but gives you the same revitalising taste you expect from bottled water, straight from your tap.

  1. Reduce Plastic Footprint

The biggest problem with the surge in the bottled water market is that it’s ruining the environment. 1,000,000 plastic bottles are sold around the world every minute and less than half of the 480 billion plastic bottles sold in 2016 were properly recycled. It requires 17 million barrels of oil every year to produce the level of plastic bottles currently being consumed globally, and the amount of plastic produced each year is now the same weight as humanity!

Commentators suggest that the plastic crisis could soon be as a big threat as global warming to the future of the planet. A water filter allows you to get rid of the need for single-use PET plastic bottles for good. What better benefit of filtered water could there be than saving the planet?!

  1. Remove Heavy Metals

Another common contaminant in tap water supplies is heavy metals. Quantities of mercury, lead, arsenic and dioxins, to name but a few, have all been found present in water supplies across the UK. Despite the fact that these are only found in small concentrations, the true extent of the implications of consuming them through water remain unclear. Lead, for example, is known to be extremely harmful and has been linked to a range of health problems in humans. A 2011 Clinical Biochemistry study found a link between postnatal lead toxicity and the development of autism. Other studies have also linked lead exposure to prostate problems in men and reproductive issues for both men and women.

  1. Enhance Hydration

The key improvements a water filter can make to your drinking water quality are not limited to simply removing contaminants. Depending on the quality of the filter, your water can be enhanced to the point where you actually receive a much higher level of hydration than you would from standard tap water.

  1. Improved Digestion

Water with an enhanced mineral content can also aid in improving your digestion. As stated above proper hydration you can gain from a water filter makes it easier for your body to transport minerals and nutrients throughout your body. Gaining this optimal level of nutrients not only makes you feel better but also helps digest soluble fibre making the whole digestion process much simpler.

  1. Reduce Acid Reflux

While this improvement may not be possible with all standard water filters, alkaline water filters have been found to reduce the condition known as acid reflux or heartburn. As alkaline water alters the pH level of drinking water, it can help to neutralise the acidic build-up that causes that uncomfortable burning sensation in your oesophagus.

  1. Improve Skin Health

One of the most underrated tips for maintaining healthy, clear skin is drinking plenty of water. Now, as we’ve already established the benefits of drinking filtered water mean it is much better for your body in a range of ways and this is the case in terms of skincare too. Water with an improved mineral content has a direct effect on hydrating your skin by flushing toxins out of your body more effectively. The absence of chlorine in your drinking water will also aid your pursuit of healthier skin because chlorine is known to deplete the natural oils of your hair and skin.

  1. Aid Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight and get in shape drinking more water is the most basic foundation. Drinking water alone can increase an adult’s resting energy expenditure by 24-30% just ten minutes after drinking. Drinking water is also reputed to be effective in reducing your appetite.

11. Anti-Oxidant Properties

Wouldn’t it be great if you’re water filter not only removed unwanted contaminants but also gained anti-oxidant properties in the process? How can water be anti-oxidant I hear you ask. Well, it’s measured by the Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP).

  1. It Makes Better Tea

There are few things in life held in higher esteem than a good cuppa. We all have a very particular way that we enjoy tea and anyone who makes it had better know how we like it before they reach for the kettle! A very commonly referenced benefit of filtered water when people they’re first introduced to one is that it makes their tea so much better and we know how everyone loves their tea in the UK! In areas where the water is particularly hard or where limescale is a big problem, a water filter makes all the difference when it comes time for a cuppa.

  1. Reduce Lime Scale

As we touched upon in reason 12, a countertop water filter can help you to remove limescale from your drinking water. In areas where water is particularly hard, the bigger problem limescale will be. Limescale is a residue left behind by calcium carbonate and is responsible for that horrible scaly layer found in your boiled water. With a water filter limescale in your drinking or cooking water will be a thing of the past.

  1. Reduce Cardio Stress

Yes, that’s right! The powers of a water filter even extend into the realm of fitness and endurance. While this is not the case with all types of water filters, scientific research has found that alkalising supplements can reduce cardio stress in period of intense physical output.

  1. Make

Benefits of a Tap Water Filter at Home

Did you know that drinking enough water is the single most powerful habit that can benefit your health immensely? Although our planet is covered with almost seventy percent water, it is one of nature’s cruel ironies, that only three percent of this water can actually be used, whether it’s for consumption or agricultural purposes.

Due to the indiscriminate use of chemicals and pollutants, the water we actually receive through civic sources is also heavily contaminated with pathogens, as well as traces of heavy metals like arsenic and lead. This water, if consumed regularly, can lead to many health issues which may even prove to be fatal. This is why it becomes so important that you use a tap water filter at home so that you can get access to safe drinking water. In this blog, we examine whether it is safe for you to consume filtered tap water and the multiple benefits of using a tap water filter at home.

Is filtered tap water good for your health?

Water truly is the elixir of life, as it supports a plethora of your body functions, from regulating your body temperature, and replenishing your cells with adequate oxygen to ensuring a healthy digestive system.  It is important that you ensure that the water that you hydrate your body with, is safe from contaminants. If you compromise on this one aspect, you will not only end up with foul-tasting and smelling water which is unpalatable but you will also be exposing your body to deadly water-borne diseases.

What do tap filters do?

Tap filter filters all the organic and inorganic impurities along with heavy metals and pathogens. This is especially important for children who have underdeveloped immune systems. The enhanced taste also ensures that children consume enough water. Since filtered water improves the taste of tap water, food and beverages cooked with it will taste better and fresher.

Filtered water is beneficial for health as besides making your source water pollutant-free, it also contains minerals that are beneficial for the health of your body. Filtered water along with removing pollutants also removes pathogens like bacteria, which cause stomach upsets. This ensures that you and your family can remain healthy and hydrated without the fear of waterborne infections. 

What are the benefits of using a water filter at your home?

By now you must be aware of the dangers of consuming water directly from the tap. It contains a plethora of pathogens and pollutants which can affect your health. Ensuring that you get access to safe drinking water is as important as making sure that you remain amply hydrated throughout the day. Here are some benefits you can achieve by using a tap filter at your home.

1. Tap filter removes chemicals and contaminants

The water that you source from taps undergoes many treatment processes which means that chemicals like chlorine, fluoride, etc. are present in water in varied quantities. Although this mainly removes pathogens such as bacteria from the source water, these chemicals pose a variety of health hazards if you directly consume them.

Some sections of the population like children and elderly people with compromised immunities, are more susceptible to the ill effects of these chemicals. The best tap water filters available in the market today ensure that the water that you receive after filtration is free from a variety of pathogens, organic and inorganic impurities as well as heavy metals and chemicals, thus making it safe for you to consume.

2. Tap water gives better taste and odor

One of the advantages of using tap water filters is that along with filtering your water it also dramatically improves its taste and odor. Tap water has that distinct smell and taste of chlorine, whereas distilled water has that bland, sterile, laboratory-like taste that can be unpalatable. The enhanced sense of freshness and flavor of filtered water will ensure that you get more satisfaction from each glass of water that you consume.

3. Multiple health benefits

Tap water filters, while filtering off contaminants ensure that the important minerals like magnesium, zinc, calcium, etc. which are beneficial for your health, are retained in the water. Drinking this mineral-charged water has a variety of benefits like skin hydration, nutrient absorption, aiding digestion, and detoxification among other benefits. 

4. Water filters are low on maintenance and easy to use

The main advantage of these systems is that they are easy to install and use. From compact under-sink units that free up counter space, to whole-house filtration systems, there is one to suit your every need. You can customize it to suit your requirements and the hassle-free maintenance proves to be the icing on the cake.

5. Water filters are environmentally friendly

Bottled water for all the convenience it offers is one of the topmost contributors to plastic pollution in the world. The fact that it has been proven to leach microplastics in the water makes the case against using it even stronger. Using water filters is the single most powerful step to counter the ill effects of plastic bottle pollution, as it reduces the number of bottles that end up in landfills every year. The fact that it gives water free of contaminants including microplastics, is an added bonus. 

6. Surprisingly affordable

This is all very fine but don’t water filters require heavy expenses? The surprising answer to that question is that filtered water ultimately works out to be cheaper in the long run, when compared to bottled water. The market today provides you with multiple options to suit your needs and budgets, like a subscription-based water purifier, where you do not have to pay for the device installation or maintenance. What could be easier than that?

Top 7 Reasons Why You Need Your Own Water Purifier

We all know having good drinking water is important. Most people get their water either from the tap directly, from water deliveries or by boiling water. However, having your own water purifier at home might just be better for you. Here we explore a few good reasons why.

1) Better security – no strangers 

When you have a purifier installed at home, there’s no need to call for water deliveries. You’ll have better security because you don’t have to open your home regularly for strangers. Letting strangers go in and out of your home weekly during this pandemic might not be the wisest decision, especially since they go around many homes everyday.

2) Better safety – you have control that it works

Getting your own water purifier gives you option to choose the brand, the service, and the technology that meets your expectations that the confidence will make you confident that you’re drinking safe and clean water as you get to choose . You have an idea how the water is filtered and what certifications do your chosen purification have. You’re also aware if the filter works properly and how regularly it is maintained. Additionally, your water purifier service provider can answer your questions regarding your water concerns.

3) If you have pregnant women/babies, distilled water might be too expensive 

It is important for pregnant women to drink enough water. However, it is better if they only drink filtered water to prevent some pregnancy related conditions. According to some studies, the chlorine used to treat public water can turn into chloroform when it mixes with other materials in the water. It might increase the risk of miscarriage and poor fetal growth.

Meanwhile, new-born babies are more vulnerable to viruses, bacteria and other parasitic infections. Many families with new born babies buy distilled water for drinking or for mixing with formula milk. However, because distillation is very energy intensive and expensive, using RO water purifiers may be more practical in the long run. It gives you the next best thing to distilled water, with lower costs and lower energy use.

4) Less plastic water bottles — if you develop the habit of always having your own water bottle on the go. 

The annual consumption of bottled water worldwide over the years has grown to millions. It is considered convenient because it is portable but that convenience comes with a high environmental cost.

By installing a home water purification system, the bottled water consumption can be reduced by 17%. You have an access of clean drinking water directly at home so you will no longer have to purchase plastic water bottles when outside. You can simply use a reusable water bottle to bring clean water with you every time you go out.

5) More convenience, less micro payments 

The best part of getting a water filter is that you are going for a one-time investment that will definitely benefit you in the long run. If you calculate your yearly expenses for bottled water deliveries which cost 25-50php each, that will be more expensive than the price of a water purifier.

Besides, it will be less hassle since there’s no need to tend to water deliveries weekly, including paying for them regularly. Such valuable time can be saved for more important matters.

6) Less water getting stale

Having water delivered weekly means possibly having stocks of water bottles delivered at a time. If your family consume water too slowly, water can get stale. Typically, once a water container is opened, its cleanliness is guaranteed only for about 3 days before germs start to multiply.

Some water bottles may also contain BPA which can leach into the water, especially when the bottles are exposed to temperature changes like too much heat from the sunlight. Stale water may leave a bad taste or odor and can make you ill when consumed.

7)  No water bottle lifting right now

Lifting 5-gallon water bottles and putting them on water dispensers can be daunting at times. It can strain your back, muscles, and joints. With a direct-to-tap water purifier that refills automatically, you can get your drinking water without down time.…

Reasons Water Filtration Is So Important

Water is one of the essential elements in human life. The majority of the adult human body consists of water, which performs vital functions like protecting organs and tissues, lubricating joints, regulating body temperature, flushing out toxins, and carrying out chemical reactions in the body. 

Every household needs a supply of fresh and clean water for drinking and other home activities like washing, cooking, and cleaning. The quality of water we receive in our homes significantly impacts our overall health and well-being.

Why is water filtration essential?

Drinking or using impure water for routine activities is hazardous. Before the water reaches our homes from the water treatment facility, it travels miles through a network of pipes. As a result, there are increased chances that water will pick up pollutants like minerals, microscopic bacteria, chemicals, metals, and dirt on its way to your home that negatively impacts the water quality and taste. In addition to being potentially dangerous, polluted water also harms skin and hair. 

Home water filtration systems preserve the water quality and make it safe for family use, and there are several affordable and convenient water filtration systems on the market today. They include sediment filtration, reverse osmosis, UV disinfection, activated carbon block filtration, and ion-exchange systems. Different technologies remove disease-causing minerals, bacteria, and other contaminants from the water. 

Here are a few key reasons to filter water

Boost health

Unsafe drinking water can have severe effects on an individual’s health. Children are more likely to fall sick due to the long-term exposure to contaminants present in tap water. Filtered water is good to develop a better immune system. It keeps the skin hydrated, prevents itching and irritation, helps in weight loss and nutrient absorption, reduces cancer risk, improves digestion, and detoxifies. 

Better taste and smell

Heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, and bacteria possibly present in tap water cause the water to smell foul, appear cloudy, and taste unpleasant. Water filtration helps in reducing these impurities to provide clear, clean, better smelling, and great-tasting water.

Preserve environment

Often, people opt to drink bottled water for clean and contaminant-free water. Regularly purchasing bottled water is expensive and harmful to the environment as plastic bottles are among the biggest contributors to plastic pollution. Plastics take hundreds of years to degrade, and not all areas have the infrastructure and facility for plastic recycling. Using a water filtration system to filter home or office water reduces ecological footprint.

Avoid plumbing issues

The presence of minerals, chemicals, and heavy metals can wreak havoc on the plumbing system over time. They can damage pipes and corrode appliances that use water. Conversely, filtered water prolongs the life of pipes, devices, and heaters. 

No one will argue the importance of safe and clean water, and a water filtration system is convenient, easy to use, and has low-maintenance requirements. Contact a plumber to install a suitable water purification system.…


Did you know that our bodies consist of 70% water? Also, 70% of the earth is covered by water, so it’s safe to say it’s a fairly important compound! 

The problem we face is that only 3% of the water across the planet is suitable for use, whether for drinking or irrigating crops. 

But on top of that, agriculture and industry has led to much of our water being polluted. So how do you know that the water you’re drinking is clean and healthy

The benefits of using filtered tap water can’t be disputed. If you’ve been drinking unfiltered water or buying bottled water, there’s a better way! 

Here’s why you should consider choosing filtered tap water over anything else. 

1. It’s Free from Impurities & Chemicals 

Water filtration removes chemicals from your water added during the treatment process. 

Chlorine, fluoride, and other chemicals are present in unspecified amounts in our tap water. While these chemicals can help to get rid of bacteria in our water, they can present other risks to health, with some people being more susceptible to these risks than others.

One of the key benefits of using filtered tap water, especially when this water is sourced from rainwater tanks, is that it’s free from bacteria, organic and inorganic impurities, heavy metals, and chemicals.

2. It’s Cleaner Than Tank/Reservoir Water 

Many households across Australia get their water from storage tanks. This is a convenient way to store water once it’s been sourced from groundwater or surface water and chemically treated. But there are disadvantages to tank water that most homeowners don’t even know about. 

Firstly, there’s a chance of heavy metals leaching into the water from the tank. This can be extremely hazardous to your health, with just a few of the possible consequences being cancer, cardiovascular disease, and nervous system damage. Even lead pipes can contaminate your drinking water with heavy metals! 

The other potential problem with tank water is that debris can collect in it and decompose, leaving organic waste in the water. By debris, we don’t just mean leaves and such – dead mice or other creatures and their droppings are also likely to end up in your tap water. 

Another potential source of pollution of your water is agricultural and industrial runoff. Both the agricultural and industrial plants nearby produce waste, which can easily end up in reservoir water, especially after a storm.  

One of the best benefits of using filtered tap water is that it’s about the cleanest water you’ll ever drink! All of these contaminants get filtered out and have zero chance of affecting you. 

3. It Tastes Better 

Have you ever thought that water doesn’t have a taste? Well, drink a glass of water unfiltered from the tap and a glass of filtered water straight after. We guarantee you’ll taste the difference! 

The presence of chemicals, heavy metals, and other toxins in your water give it a slight, almost unnoticeable taste. Once you remove those elements, the water tastes purer, cleaner, and more refreshing. It also makes for better tasting tea and coffee! 

4. It’s Easily Accessible 

It’s really not difficult to install a water filter in your home, either an external whole house system or a more compact unit under the kitchen sink.

Home water filters make clean, safe water accessible for a wide variety of people. One of the awesome things about installing a water filter is that you can also customise it to suit your needs. 

If you just want cleaner, healthier drinking and cooking water, then a small, simple filter underneath your kitchen sink will do the trick. But if you want your shower and bath water to be healthier as well, you have the choice of whole-house water filtration. 

Whatever your needs, the benefits of using filtered tap water are easily accessible to almost everyone. 

5. It’s Convenient 

How much space do you need to store bottled water? And when you run out, that means a trip to the store to stock up on more. 

No need for that with a water filter. After your installation, you’ll have fresh, healthy filtered water right at your fingertips, whenever you want or need it. 

If you don’t use bottled water and instead drink straight from the tap, it’s still just as convenient. Once the filter is installed, you can  keep drinking just like always. You’ll just find that it tastes and smells better, and is much healthier for you. 

6. It Has Antioxidant Properties 

Wondering how water can provide antioxidant benefits? Some water filters reduce oxidation levels in your tap water, leaving you not only with cleaner, better tasting water, but with water that actually helps prevent cell damage! 

Considering that we drink water, make our coffee and tea with it, and cook with it, a little increase in antioxidants in our water can go a long way. 

7. Reduces Water Odour 

Just like taste, water has a subtle odour due to the chemicals that have been added to it at the water treatment plant. Sometimes it’s hardly noticeable, but chances are there have been times when you’ve noticed a chemical-like smell coming from it. You may also have noticed a cloudiness in it that can be quite off-putting. 

Another of the benefits of using filtered tap water is that you don’t get any odd smells or chemical clouds in your water. Simply removing those chemicals makes for much purer water! 

8. It’s Environmentally-Friendly 

Did you know it takes a plastic bottle up to 300 years to biodegrade? Not to mention that one year’s supply of bottled water uses an exorbitant amount of oil to produce. The impact that bottled water has on the environment is scary. 

We live in a beautiful country, most of which is unspoiled and pure. But if we keep supporting causes like bottled water that have negative impacts on the environment, that could change quickly. 

The benefits of using filtered tap water extend to our planet, helping households to significantly reduce the amount of bottles that end up in landfills every year. 

9. It’s Affordable 

If you’ve read through all that and thought “That’s nice, but it’ll probably cost a fortune”, the good news is that filtered water is actually surprisingly cost effective. 

If you’ve been regularly buying bottled water, you’ll be surprised at how much money you’ll save when you make the switch, our surprisingly capabale entry-level system comes in at just 39c per day to run!

Our water filters do not use electricity, so they won’t add a ton to your bills every month. And when you consider the health-related benefits of using filtered tap water, it’s easy to see how the cost is worth it. …

10 Types of Water Filters: Get Clear On the Best One For Your Home

Searching for water filters online can be dizzying considering there are so many different types and functions. Some water filters completely purify the water, removing nearly all contaminants, while others only remove certain impurities. Use this guide to learn all about the different types of water filters so you can make an informed decision for your household. 

1. Mechanical Filters

Mechanical filters are designed to physically remove particles and sediment from water through a fine mesh barrier or other porous material. The barrier traps the particles while letting water pass through. These water filters typically have a micron rating, which essentially indicates how effective the filter is. Generally, the smaller the micron rating, the more particles the filter can remove. 


  • Relatively affordable 
  • Simple installation
  • Low maintenance
  • Enhances water clarity


  • Can’t remove chemical contaminants
  • Filters must be changed frequently
  • Ineffective against microorganisms

Best for: Removing visible sediment in water

2. Activated Carbon Filters

Activated carbon filters use a bed of activated carbon to capture contaminants like organic chemicals and chlorine. They can remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs), chlorine, many pesticides, and some heavy metals, like lead. However, they don’t remove salt, minerals, and microbes. They often act as a first stage of filtration in a broader system. 


  • Removes VOCs, pesticides, and some heavy metals
  • Can improve water taste and odor
  • Relatively simple and affordable


  • Can’t remove inorganic pollutants
  • Doesn’t remove salt, minerals, and microbes

Best for: Removing chlorine, VOCs, certain pesticides, and some heavy metals

3. Reverse Osmosis

Reverse osmosis is a process that uses a semipermeable membrane to remove ions, molecules, and larger particles from water. Through the process, water is forced through the membrane through pressure, and the membrane blocks the contaminants, like bacteria, viruses, and chemicals, from passing through. In many cases, it can remove contaminants as small as an ion.


  • Can remove many contaminants, including bacteria and viruses
  • Can reduce the hardness of water
  • Removes heavy metals like lead and mercury


  • More expensive than many other types
  • Creates significant water waste
  • Removes some beneficial minerals from water

Best for: Removing bacteria, viruses, chemicals, and dissolved salts. 

4. Ion Exchange Filters

Ion-exchange filters are commonly used as water softeners. They work by exchanging hard water ions, like calcium and magnesium, with softer ions like sodium and hydrogen. This process is achieved through the filter’s resin, which binds to hard ions and releases soft ions. 


  • Softens hard water
  • Minimizes scale buildup in appliances
  • Removes heavy metals


  • Adds sodium to the water
  • Can’t remove organic contaminants
  • High operational costs

Best for: Softening hard water and preventing scale buildup.

5. Ultraviolet Filters

Ultraviolet (UV) filters use UV light to neutralize microorganisms. When water passes through the system, it damages the DNA of bacteria and viruses, rendering them harmless. UV filters are highly effective when it comes to disinfection, and they’re often used as one stage in a broader filtration system. 


  • Destroys bacteria and viruses
  • Low energy consumptions
  • Chemical-free


  • Doesn’t remove metals or chemicals
  • Requires clear water to be most effective
  • Doesn’t filter out particles

Best for: Removing bacteria and viruses

6. Ceramic Filters

Ceramic filters comprise porous ceramic material that prevents particles and pathogens from passing through. Their pore size is often small enough to filter out contaminants like bacteria, protozoa, and microbial cysts. They’re especially popular in regions where waterborne diseases are a concern, and they don’t require electricity to operate, so they’re ideal for remote or resource-limited locales. 


  • Relatively affordable
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Effective against pathogens


  • Not very effective at removing viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals
  • Requires regular maintenance
  • Slow filtration time

Best for: Removing bacteria and sediment from water in regions where clean water is limited

7. Distillation

Distillation is a type of water purification that involves heating water to create steam, which then cools and condenses back into a liquid. During the cooling process, many contaminants are left behind because they have a higher boiling point than water and don’t evaporate with the steam. Distillation is highly effective at removing bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and minerals, so it’s often used in settings that require very pure water, like hospitals and laboratories. 


  • Removes a wide variety of contaminants
  • Provides consistent water purity regardless of the quality of the source water
  • Chemical-free


  • Requires a lot of energy to operate
  • Slow process
  • Doesn’t remove certain VOCs

Best for: Scenarios that require the highest level of water purity, like medical and lab settings.

8. Infrared Filters

Infrared filters use infrared light to heat water, which reduces the cluster size of water molecules and changes their physical properties. So rather than remove chemical contaminants, infrared filters change the physical properties of the water, and the result is water that might be more easily absorbed by the body. Since these filters don’t remove contaminants, you’ll need to pair them with other filter types if that’s your goal. 


  • Increases water’s bioavailability
  • Relatively low maintenance
  • Can be integrated with many other filtration systems


  • Doesn’t remove physical contaminants
  • Relatively new technology with debatable efficacy
  • Expensive

Best for: Integrating with different types of filtration systems

9. Activated Alumina Filters

Activated alumina filters feature a porous structure that removes certain contaminants from water, such as fluoride, arsenic, and selenium. Activated alumina granules have a large surface area that can trap these impurities while allowing water to pass through. 


  • Removes fluoride, arsenic, and selenium
  • Relatively low maintenance
  • Long service life


  • Can’t remove bacteria, heavy metals, and many other contaminants
  • Efficacy can be affected by the water’s pH level
  • Slow filtration process

Best for: Areas where water contains high levels of fluoride, arsenic, and/or selenium

10. Microfiltration

Microfiltration systems have a membrane with very small pores that can capture bacteria, some viruses, and other microorganisms while allowing water to pass through. These systems can operate at lower pressures than many other types of filtration, making them more energy efficient than methods like reverse osmosis and distillation. 


  • Can remove larger particles, bacteria, and some viruses
  • Chemical free
  • Energy efficient compared to other methods


  • Can’t remove dissolved minerals, salts, and very small contaminants
  • Small pore size can lead to clogs
  • Can be expensive to install

Best for: Removing larger particles, bacteria, and some viruses…

Why Water Filtration is Important?

Filtering water is essential for the health of humans and the environment. Watters Plumbing takes water safety seriously to ensure your home or business has the best water filtration system.  

Let’s examine why water filtration is important and the benefits of having a working water filter versus spending money on bottled water for your home or business.

What is Water Filtration? 

Clean water is essential to our health, and water filtration is the key to achieving this. 

It involves getting rid of harmful chemicals, organic matter, and other contaminants that may be present in our public water system. This is usually done by using a filter, chemical, or biological process.

The Importance of Water Filtration

Water must be filtered to make your water safe for drinking and cooking. 

This process will remove chlorine, mercury, lead, arsenic, sediment, rust, iron, scale, and disinfectant byproducts almost everyone uses in their homes. Water filters remove these harmful contaminants but still ensure the essential minerals remain in our water, including fluoride, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. 

The Top Benefits of Filtered Water

Water filtration is essential to keeping humans healthy and keeping our environment clean. Below we’ve listed the top benefits of filtered water. 

Filtering Water is More Cost Effective Than Buying Bottled Water

Using water filters in your home or business will prevent you from spending money on bottled water. With a water filter, you can easily get fresh drinking water from your tap without paying more each month.

Reduces Landfill Waste

A professional water filter can help keep thousands of plastic bottles out of our landfills each year. Water filtration eliminates the need for plastic water bottles in your home. You can instead use reusable water bottles and refill them at the tap.

Boost Your Health

Filtered water is good for your health. You can ensure that the water you’re drinking and cooking with is fresh and clean while keeping the natural minerals your body needs inside. 

Regularly drinking purified water can help with skin hydration, weight loss, immune health, and mental health.…

Which Water Filtration System is Best For Your Home

Water drop

Radioactive drinking water sounds like something out of a sci-fi movie. But as the saying goes, truth is often stranger than fiction. Within the past 2 years, U.S. regulators identified 56 new contaminants in drinking water, including pesticides and radioactive materials. Many of these are directly linked to the onset of disease. People exposed to these newly found chemicals may be at risk for health problems, including cancer, reproductive disruption, liver disease, and more, according to the Guardian.

Sadly, the headlines only reinforce this sentiment. High levels of PFAS chemicals in community water systems, E. coli-infected public drinking water, and limits placed on water usage throughout certain areas of the U.S. all reinforce just how precious—and essential—clean drinking water really is. And the danger of it becoming an increasingly scarce commodity.

Even as we face the challenges, we’re armed with good news: there are more viable options for creating healthy drinking water with home water filtration systems than ever before—it just takes a bit of research and a clear understanding of what your goals are. Here at Brondell, we’re committed to solutions that work: sustainable, effective, and easy-to-implement ones. It’s a good feeling to know that you can enjoy the cleanest possible drinking water right from the faucet—no hauling jugs of water from the trunk, or disposing of endless bottles on recycling day. One quick installation, and you’re set. (Just don’t forget to change your filters!)

A range of water filtration systems

Let’s explore your options, and why you might choose them.

Refilling a water pitcher

If you’ve begun your research at all, you’ve probably noticed that there are a lot of options. And in many ways, the notion of which one is the “best” is relative; water filtration systems do offer varying levels of effectiveness, and may filter out different types of contaminants, some of which may matter more to you than others (or may affect you more given the area that you live in). For instance, some families feel strongly about filtering out allergens, which have a direct effect on their well-being. Others are primarily concerned with fluoride. There are also other factors, like how much water you’ll need regularly, how much effort or maintenance you want to put into your filtration system, as well as considerations like water waste and budget.

Finding the right filtration system for you starts with understanding your priorities.

Water filtration options at a glance

Water pitcher icon

Pitcher Filter: Single stage, carbon filter Filter lifespan: 2 months (standard filter) Contaminant removal: reduces lead, chlorine, asbestos, benzene, particulates and other contaminants

Water faucet mount icon

Faucet Mount Filter: Two stage, carbon filter Filter lifespan: 4 months, or 100 gallons Contaminant removal: Removes lead, chlorine and mercury

Countertop Filter: Three stage carbon block filtration technology Filter lifespan: 6 months Contaminant removal: Reduces industrial chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, turbidity, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and bad tastes and odors. Reduce harmful chemicals like atrazine, chlorobenzene, trihalomethanes, methoxychlor, endrin, 2,4-D, benzine, DBCP and aesthetic chlorine

Under counter water faucet icon

Under counter Filter: Single, three or four stage Filter lifespan: 12 months Contaminant removal: Reduces industrial chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, total dissolved solids (TDS), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), microorganisms, and bad tastes and odors. Reduce harmful chemicals like fluoride; atrazine; hexavalent & trivalent chromium; chlorobenzene; trihalomethanes; methoxychlor; endrin; 2,4-D; benzine; DBCP; pentavalent arsenic; barium; radium; cadmium; lead; and aesthetic chlorine

Note: Make sure your water filter is Water Quality Association (WQA) certified. This organization assesses the effectiveness of water treatment filters through rigorous testing. So anytime you see their certification on a product, you’ll know that its claims are proven to be accurate and reliable

A starting point: pitcher perfect

A quick guide to choosing the best water filtration for your home

The most approachable way to improve your drinking water at home.

Perhaps the quickest and cheapest method of turning your tap water into safe drinking water is with a water filter pitcher. They require no installation and are very user-friendly (even your kids can use them easily).

Pitchers work by straining a very small amount of water through a filter, usually activated carbon, and storing it in the lower half of the pitcher. Many popular brands like Brita, Pur, and ZeroWater claim benefits like lead reduction, heavy metal removal, even the elimination of all dissolved solids. It’s important to look for NSF or Water Quality Association certifications to confirm that such claims are valid, and ensure you aren’t buying an inferior product.

The upsides: They’re an inexpensive starter option and very easy to use.

The downsides: They don’t really produce enough water for more than one or two people at a time and take a while to refill. Because they rely on a single filter to do all the work of particulate extraction and odor elimination, the filters are likely not as effective as multistage filtration options.

A step up: faucet mounts

A two-stage filter with more water volume than a pitcher.

If you’re hoping for something a little more accessible that won’t take up room in the fridge or require time for a reservoir to refill, the faucet mount is a quick and easy DIY option. It installs easily, and offers a continuous flow of filtered water that doesn’t depend on anyone else remembering to fill the water pitcher after they use it. It can be very convenient for simple tasks like washing fruits and vegetables, filling a pot for cooking, or just grabbing a glass of filtered drinking water.

The upsides: easy to install, unlimited water availability

The downsides: The filters on faucet mounts may not boost filtration or effectiveness much more than pitcher filters. As they collect sediment, they can also become heavy—weighed down by calcium, contaminant build-up, and residual water saturation. Since many are made to be lightweight, plastic parts may quickly be compromised.

Cypress water filtration system banner

An ultra-easy DIY: countertop filters

Advanced filtration options without any complex installation.

If you don’t love the idea of installing a reverse osmosis tank, or perhaps have a landlord who isn’t game for it, you’ve still got options that can provide more volume and ease of use on a day-to-day basis. Countertop water filters filter water right at the sink connection, using a T-valve and an adjoining hose. With a countertop reverse osmosis filter, the freestanding reservoir sits on the countertop. Depending on the model you select, countertop filters can use different filtration systems from single-cartridge carbon filters to three-stage sediment, carbon block, even nanotrap water filters. With the push of a button, our Cypress Three-Stage Countertop Water Filtration System dispenses great-tasting water that’s treated with carbon block, nanotrap, and composite plus filtration.

The upsides: easy to install, moderately priced, and simple installation

The downsides: requires countertop space

A seamless fit: under counter filtration systems

A comprehensive solution for the cleanest drinking water on tap.

Capella Reverse Osmosis System

Under counter reverse osmosis systems are self-contained, customizable filtration systems that come with their own faucets and multistage filters (usually between 1 and 4 stages, depending on how advanced the filtration system is. The more filtration stages, the purer the water is that comes out of your tap). While there are many different water filter systems

If you know that high-quality water—and an abundance of it—is a high priority to you, it’s likely worth investing in an under counter water filtration

What’s the best water filtration method for me?

Everything you need to know about drinking water purification methods

We all know the importance of drinking enough water. There are apps to remind us to increase our fluid intake, water bottles to make staying hydrated on the go a cinch, and a staggering array of water filter systems on the market.

But not all water filters are made the same. If you’re looking for the best water filtration methods for your home or office, it’s important to understand how high-quality water filters work and why drinking purified water is better for you (and the planet).

We’ve put together a guide to the most popular drinking water purification methods on market so you know what to filter out when choosing a filter.

For tailored advice from the experts, talk to The Water People about filtered water taps.

Different water filtration methods

water filtration system in cabinet

There are numerous drinking water purification methods available today, and they all rely on different methods to treat and purify water. The most popular water filtration methods include:

  • Activated carbon filters – these use a bed of activated carbon to remove contaminants and impurities via chemical absorption
  • Distillation filters – these use a heat source to vaporise and purify water
  • Deionisation filters – these exchange positive hydrogen and negative hydroxyl water molecules for positive and negative contaminant water molecules
  • Ion exchange filters – these ‘soften’ water by removing its heavy metal ions
  • Reverse osmosis filters – these move water through a semipermeable membrane to filter out and flush away even the smallest contaminants
  • Mechanical filters – these physically remove sediment, dirt or any particles in water by using a basic mesh or ceramic screen
  • Ozone filters – these purify and disinfect water by removing odours, chlorine, iron, and bacteria
  • Alkaline filters – these alkalise and remineralise water

Here at The Water People, the best water filtration methods we recommend are reverse osmosis filters and alkaline filters. Each has its own unique set of pros and cons, which we will cover below.

Reverse osmosis systems

reverse osmosis system2

Reverse osmosis works by moving water through a semipermeable membrane to filter out and flush away any contaminants. Reverse osmosis systems are best suited for domestic use and provide a highly efficient way to purify your drinking water at home.

Increasingly, these systems are also used in hospitality environments to treat water made for coffee as they offer the finest level of filtration available. They are often used in conjunction with an activated carbon filter to ensure water has as few as possible contaminants remaining.

Reverse osmosis systems can be mounted under the sink and usually have a holding tank. The main drawback to reverse osmosis as a water purification technology is that it will not remove some pesticides, solvents and metals such as chlorine and radon. The fact that it involves multi-stage water filtration can also make it more expensive than other options.

That said, if you want refreshing, great-tasting and chemical-free water, reverse osmosis systems are versatile and reliable. They can be customised to suit your needs.

Alkaline filter systems

alkaliser system

Alkaline water promotes a neutral pH level in the body, tastes great, and is completely natural. Alkaline water has a naturally high pH level ranging anywhere from 8 to 9.5. The average diet of most people consists of foods that are highly acidic with a range between 3.3 to 5.

By drinking alkaline water instead of tap water, you can help your body find the natural balance that it craves. Alkaline water is full of healthy electrolytes for vitality and mineralised for optimum hydration. Many even believe it tastes better and sweeter than regular water due to the mineral hydrates.

An alkaline filter system is best suited to domestic purposes. Top-of-the-line systems like the Aquakleen In Line Alkaliser/Mineraliser are easy to connect to your existing water filter system or water supply.

The main drawback to alkaline filtration systems is that many use forced electro-magnetic ionisation rather than natural ionisation. For this reason, we always recommend consulting a water expert if you’re considering purchasing an alkaline filter system.…

Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

Different types of drinking water filters flood the entire market and online nowadays. That’s why it makes it difficult for consumers to choose what type of drinking water filter best suits their needs. 

Every type of water filter has its advantages depending on one’s needs. In rural areas, local water distributors use chlorination processes. You are not sure if contaminants and other toxic substances such as lead and fluoride are very dangerous to your health and your family.

Some reviews are comparisons of different types of water filters, whether from simple to more complex filters. They usually focus on its effectiveness and being a budget saver sometimes for a sell.

Some reviews reveal the truth about it. That not all drinking water is the same and having the same contaminants or toxic substances present. So that’s why you can choose a variety of water filters in the market made specifically on different types of waterborne contaminants such as bacteria, protozoa, viruses and not to mention those toxic substances on it like lead and fluorides too!

When creating reviews for drinking water filters, it is best to choose water filters by their performance, features, significance to your health, their length of the warranty, and if they’re easy to use, and for easy installation too! But of course, lastly, if it is approved and had reached EPA’s standard for safe drinking water.

There are different drinking water filtration systems for pick, such as reverse osmosis, water distillers, ion exchange filters, ultraviolet disinfection, and black carbon filters. They may be considered as under sink water filters and or countertop water filters too.

Here is a simple review of different types of drinking water filtrations that can guide you in choosing what’s best for you.

What are They?

Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

A water filter is an entity used to remove impurities in the water by decreasing its contamination. This may be using a chemical process, physical barriers, or biological process in cleansing the liquid.

There are various types of water filters being sold; they could be connected or unconnected to the water supply. Connected water filters have direct plumbing linking into the source, while the unconnected filters have a reservoir which makes it more convenient.

And as a part of the marketing strategy, the manufacturers would create a vision indicating the effects and the hazards of contaminated water. Sometimes their statements make the viewers or the buyers concern about the water they are using, thus pushes them to buy the product. Some manufacturers claim that their filters could remove pesticides, taste, or odor by using activated carbon filters, minerals, or hardness using reverse osmosis, particulate matter using 1 micron rated filters, and nitrates using ion exchange.

Are they Necessary?

Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

The local water companies are obliged to supply the citizens with wholesome water that could be used for various domestic purposes; this includes cooking, drinking, and washing.

In England and Wales, their water supply is being tested regularly, and the results are published and distributed to their respective customers. This indicates that their tap water is safe for drinking and the installment of additional treatment is unnecessary, thus making the people less concerned about it.


Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

A few numbers of natural water sources are at risk of being contaminated by common pesticides. Due to that, the local government and water companies primarily treat the water to remove the pesticides. The government also requires the government because they have European standards and regulations for drinking water, thus securing the tap water to be safe and clean.

Color or Particulate Matter

Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

There may be some instances where a customer experiences tap waters having a color or particulate matter. This was caused by some localized problems such as improper plumbing or pipe fittings. If the fault is indeed within the pipes, then the building owner should be responsible for fixing the problem and installing a suitable filter to improve the water quality.  

For further information, the local water supplier should be contacted and asked for advice before purchasing a product. A better remedy and proper maintenance must be given so that the problem will not occur again.

Taste and Activated Carbon Filters

Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

Some persons are not used to the taste of the water they are using right now; this may be because they have a different water supplier before. And to fix this issue, buy a good standard water filter that contains activated carbon and clean the filter cartridge regularly to remove inanimate objects.

If the water happens to have small black particles after installing a filter with the said carbon, do not be alarmed because these particles came from the activated carbon.

In addition, if installing the said filter is too pricey, then another alternative is recommended; experts have said that a covered jug of tap water stored in the refrigerator would lessen its taste and odor, thus making it as good and as tasty as bottled mineral water.

Reverse Osmosis

Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

Reverse osmosis uses a semi-permeable membrane to filter all kinds of waterborne contaminants and toxic substances present in the water. It is very keen and helpful to get rid away those harmful contaminants, even those heavy metals. It is easy to clean and easy to maintain because it consists only of very few parts.

Although this filtration is one of the safest systems used by water suppliers, this is still not suitable for some people, is only considered for specific domestic purposes such as the hydroponic culture of photographic processing, and is more expensive than a regular filtration system.  

In short, it is loved by many because it improves taste, removes impurities, saves money, and only needs simple maintenance. The reverse osmosis system uses 4-5 stages of filtration compared to other types of filtration that make it a good choice. It is approved and passed the EPA standards, so you are assured of its system’s quality.

Ion Exchange Softening

Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

The water softener is the most common treatment system for home water. This involves a process called ion exchange, in which sodium is replaced with magnesium and calcium. Through this, the formation of scale is reduced in the hot water system, the production of the lather is improved, and the water becomes more efficient for appliances such as dishes and clothes.

However, the Department of Health advised that the unsoftened tap water should be retained in the kitchen for cooking and drinking purposes if installing a softener. This is because the softened water has higher sodium content, thus increasing the probability of a person having cardiovascular disease.


Types Of Drinking Water Filtration Systems Reviews

Safe drinking water is produced through a process wherein water undergoes boiling, evaporated, and let its vapor condensed and become distilled drinking water. This process eliminates unhealthy substances, organic and inorganic chemicals, and heavy metals, the same as reverse osmosis. It kills all bacteria and pathogens that make people sick.

Distillation is the most natural way of purification. It removes simple natural contaminants and those harmful heavy metals too in your water, making it one of the best buy drinking water filters in the market and online.

It also passed the EPA standards of drinking water. You can check out those countertop distillers available for you on the market. It …